Fuel Economy

There are many different things you can do to help with your fuel economy. If you’re not ready to buy a more fuel-efficient car from Leading Edge Motor Cars, you can still save money in a number of ways in whatever vehicle you do drive.

Fuel-Efficient Driving Tips

A good overview of driving and vehicle maintenance techniques you can use to reduce your fuel consumption from Natural Resources Canada.

Fuel Consumption Guides

Look up a vehicle’s fuel consumption ratings in these handy guides to fuel efficiency, put out annually by Natural Resources Canada. Click Here for Fuel Consumption Rating.

This Commute Calculator will give you the details of how much your daily commute is really going to cost you with your vehicle. Click Here for Commute Calculator.

Fuel Efficiency Comparison Tool

Use this tool to compare the fuel consumption of various makes and models of vehicles for a specific model year and to help you select the most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets your everyday needs.